We have found an excellent page for Inclusive Disabilities - Events and activities. Facebook pages are a great way to find out information from people who are living with a disability or organisations that cater to inclusivity.
Head to Facebook and find - IDEAL: Inclusive Disabilities – Events & Activities Listings, your go-to Perth-based peer support group!
They are all about making life easier for people with disabilities, their support networks, and loved ones by sharing activities, events, and useful listings.
They scout out the coolest happenings from all over, focusing on places that champion inclusion, diversity, and equality. They're reach is far and wide across Perth.
Finding fun and accessible activities can be extra tricky. Their mission? To make it simple for anyone with a disability to hop on their page and discover exciting things to do.
So, whether you're in the mood to get out of the house or planning your next adventure head to the their Facebook page.
Just remember they are a closed group, so you will need to sign up, answering some questions - if you need help, ask a friend, family or supports.
If you are in MELBOURNE - you can check out these pages, by using the search function on your Facebook page.
Disability Melbourne East
NDIS Melbourne Region
Melbourne, Disability Dating and more
Disability activities information groups day/night